07 July, 2015

Tata Trusts and Government of Nagaland to collaborate towards improving the quality of lives of 10,000 households

Kohima: A landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the government of Nagaland (GoN) and the Tata Trusts to collaborate towards sustainable development and improvement of the overall quality of life of 10,000 households of eight blocks in three districts Phek, Kiphire and Tuensang.

The Tata Trusts, through its associate organisation the North East Initiative Development Agency (NEIDA) will implement the programme in Nagaland. NEIDA in co-ordination with the GoN will strive to reduce poverty for low income rural households in the state. The MoU signed by Mr. Pankaj Kumar, Chief Secretary, Government of Nagaland (GoN) and Mr. Burzis S. Taraporevala, Secretary and Chief Accountant, Sir Ratan Tata Trusts shall be effective for a period of five years. The total outlay of the programme is Rs. 134 Crores. The Trust will give a grant amount of INR Thirty Crores to NEIDA for implementing the programme. The remaining funds will be raised from various sources including the community.

"Through promotion of household level piggery enterprises, forest based livelihoods and conservation initiatives, market oriented agriculture and horticulture production activities we look forward to enabling each household to earn an income of Rs 1.5 lakhs per annum. Other pilot projects that are in the pipeline will focus on education, health, youth skill development, drinking water & sanitation to help improve the overall quality of life of the households in Nagaland, "said Sentimongla Kechuchar.

The Tata Trusts will be the lead resource organization by providing technical and management support for the programme. It will design the implementation strategy and ensure an overall governance of the initiative, including financial due diligence. The GoN will synchronize actions of concerned Government Departments and agencies so that project objectives are successfully executed. Funding from the GoN will be expected in terms of co-financing the various programme activities through its schemes such as NSRLM, MGNREGA, RKVY and key development projects.

The Tata Trusts has been supporting development initiatives in the state since 2009. They have funded community development projects through its local partners like the Nagaland Empowerment of People through Economic Development (NEPED), Nagaland Beekeeping and Honey Mission (NBHM), Prodigals Home, Eleutheros Christian Society (ECS), Entrepreneurs Associate, Rongmei Baptist Association, Christian Institute of Health Sciences & Research, Agency for Porcine Foundation and Development of Nagaland. These local Trusts' continue to bring prosperity to the communities by exploring new partnerships and strengthening existing ones.

"To review the progress of this collaboration as well as provide direction for future work, a State Level Steering Committee (SLSC) would be constituted under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary, GoN. District Level Coordination Committees (DLCC) will be formed in relevant districts under the Chairmanship of the Deputy Commissioner (DC) to assess the progress of the initiatives falling under this MoU and to discuss and resolve all outstanding issues," said Mr. Motsuthung Lotha, Mission Director, Nagaland State Rural Livelihoods Mission.

About North East Initiative Development Agency (NEIDA)
NEIDA operates in three states and has its offices in Kohima, Aizawal and Papumpare. NEIDA will partner with select local NGOs and village level Project Management Committees (PMC).

About Tata Trusts
Tata Trusts are amongst India's oldest, non-sectarian philanthropic organisations that work in several areas of community development. Since its inception, Tata Trusts have played a pioneering role in transforming traditional ideas of charity and introducing the concept of philanthropy to make a real difference to communities. Through a grant-making, direct implementation and co-partnership strategy, the Trusts support and drive innovation in areas of Natural Resources Management, Education, Healthcare & Nutrition, Rural Livelihoods, Enhancing Civil Society & Governance, Arts, Crafts & Culture and Diversified Employment. Trusts engage competent persons and government bodies, international agencies and like-minded private sector organizations to nurture a self-sustaining eco-system that collectively works across all these areas.

Tata Trusts continue to be guided by the principles of its founder Jamsetji Tata. With the founder's vision of proactive philanthropy and his approach to 'giving', the Trusts catalyse societal development while ensuring that initiatives and interventions have a contemporary relevance to the nation. In addition to promoting and facilitating initiatives in elementary education, Tata Trusts also awards fellowships, merits and scholarships to students pursuing higher studies. It grooms social scientists, cancer specialists, nuclear scientists and distinguished institutional administrators who in turn, have strived to make the country a power to reckon with in various fields including science and technology. The Trusts also support causes and initiatives that provide disaster relief and aides rescue work in case of calamities. The Trusts not only assists by providing grants and helping mobilize funds, it also offers on-ground support directly as well as in partnership with other stakeholders.

In order to enhance impact and ensure that interventions are sustainable, Trusts have adopted a cluster-based approach, supporting multiple interlinked activities in identified clusters of contiguous villages across select geographies across India. Coupled with this, is the Trusts' strict adherence to robust financial systems being put in place with all partner organisations. Today, spread over 16 states and 170 districts across the country, programmes supported by the Trusts reach over 800,000 households through an efficient network of partner organisations. Additionally, the Trusts grants and initiatives in the especially in the area of educational attainment, significantly contributes to building intellectual capital in the country.

For more information please visit https://tatatrusts.org/

Sentimongla Kechuchar

Email: skechuchar@tatatrusts.org; sentimong@neida.org.in
Mobile: +91 9930653263
Tel: 0370 2260197
Tata Trusts, Mumbai

Rollan Patton
Email: rollan_p@yahoo.com
+91 8974000791
Nagaland State Rural Livelihoods Mission (NSRLM)

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livelihoods MoU Nagaland NEIDA