In 2008, Himmotthan operationalised the integrated fodder and livestock development project (IFLDP) in partnership with different government departments and non-profits, to increase fodder availability, decrease wastage, improve health and breeds, and to enhance livestock-based livelihoods in 125 remote villages across 15 project areas in six districts of Uttarakhand.
An event celebrating the handing over of nine Tata Ace vehicles (light commercial vehicles) purchased by the women’s dairy federations, formed under the IFLDP, was held in Hotel Aketa, Dehradun, on November 3, 2011, on the occasion of the State Foundation Week. Hosted by Himmotthan, this ceremony was held to congratulate and compliment the women’s dairy federations on their success in their dairy businesses and in their attempts to purchase the vehicles. The vehicle keys were handed over to the federation members and the vehicles subsequently flagged off. The chief secretary of Uttarakhand, Subhash Kumar, has chaired the programme.
Other participants at the event included over 150 women federation members and leaders, project partners from different districts of Uttarakhand, lead government officials and bankers, among others. This prestigious programme showcased the success of the Uttarakhand Government and the Trusts’ partnership, so strongly built on the vision of a ten-year MoU signed by both entities in 2004, which is visible in a host of current collaborative programmes and projects.