Page 9 - Tata-Trusts-Annual-Report-2021-22
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The year that was:                                        programme grants  during the year and  small grants
                             The total disbursals made by the Trusts during the year   touched  `21.25 million (US $ 0.28 million). The total
                             were `8,604.62 million (US $ 113.22 million). Disbursals of   disbursals to individuals amounted to  `725.10 million
                             `7,858.27 million (US $ 103.40 million) were made on all  (US $ 9.54 million).

                             Details of grant disbursals: 2021-2022                    Grant Disbursements &
                                                                                       Direct Implementation Projects: 2021-22
                              Type of grant         ` in million   US$ in million

                              Institution:            7,858.27        103.40
                              Programme grants
                                                                                    Healthcare                       Urban Poverty
                              Institution:                 -              -         73.3%                            Alleviation
                              Endowment grants                                                                       0.8%     Institutions
                              Institution:              21.25           0.28                                                  4.4%
                              Small grants
                                                                                                                                 Arts, Crafts
                              Individual grants        725.10           9.54                                                     and Culture

                              Total                  8,604.62         113.22
                             `10 million is `1 crore; 1 US $ is approximately equal to `76
                             Institutional grant disbursals / Direct Implementation                                                3.4%
                             Project Expenses (Theme wise): 2021-2022**
                                                                                                                                Rural Upliftment
                              Thematic Area            ` in million   US$ in million                                           7.1%

                              Healthcare               5,778.60         76.03                                            Energy
                              Water                       141.21         1.86                      1.8%

                              Energy                      17.60          0.23

                              Rural Upliftment           563.01          7.41

                              Urban Poverty Alleviation   66.57          0.88          Individual grant disbursals: 2021-2022
                                                                                        Type of grants      ` in million   US$ in million   %
                              Education                  629.13          8.28
                                                                                        Medical              308.90         4.06       43
                              Arts Craft and Culture     68.40           0.90
                                                                                        Education             416.20        5.48       57
                              Institutions               348.90          4.59
                                                                                        Total                 725.10        9.54      100
                              Innovation                 266.10          3.50

                              Total                    7,879.52        103.68

                             **The figures in the table reflect spend in the financial year.

                                                                                                         ANNUAL REPORT 2021-22        02
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